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Specialized Therapy in Atlanta for Panic Disorder and Anxiety Attacks

What are panic attacks?

Most of us have objects or situations that evoke fear in us. We may fear, for example, spiders (Arachnophobia), snakes (Ophidiophobia), heights (Acrophobia), dogs (Cynophobia), flying (Aerophobia), or heights (Acrophobia).


It's natural to have these fears and they may protect us from danger. However, if we avoid what triggers our fears to the point that it impairs our life and well-being then our fear is excessive and may meet criteria for Specific Phobia.


Specific phobia is a mental health disorder that affects approximately 1 in 10 Americans at some point in their lives. Specific phobias tend to persist without treatment and put one at risk of other mental health diagnoses. Fortunately, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - especially, exposure therapy - can help.

Image by Marcel Eberle

CBT & Exposure Therapy for Panic Disorder

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy  (CBT), with an emphasis on exposure therapy, can help you overcome panic disorder and reclaim your life. By learning to approach instead of avoid whatever triggers your panic symptoms - including the sensations of panic themselves - you will learn that danger is less likely to occur that your mind says it is and that you can handle more than your mind says you can. While this likely sounds scary, an experienced exposure therapist can help you build the motivation and courage to participate in treatment.

Resources for Panic Disorder

Here's a (somewhat dated) YouTube video where a psychologist uses interoceptive exposure to help a patient confront her fear of shortness of breath and suffocation.


Psychology Today provides a searchable directory of therapists, and you can filter your results for therapists who provide exposure (and response prevention) therapy.


I'd be happy to speak with you, too, as I provide evidence-based exposure therapy for anxiety disorders - including panic disorder.

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